
Counseling Resources

Monthly Counseling Connection Newsletter

Parent Resources:

Mental Health or Substance Use Crisis: 

  • Weber Human Services: 801-625-3700
  • UT Safe Fam: 1-833-723-3326
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
  • SafeUT 

Individual Student Issues • Concerns about Mood • Stress/Worry

Please contact Mrs. Welch at 801-737-8105 if you wish for your student to receive counseling or therapy services beyond what is provided in the classroom.

Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training

Prevent Child Abuse Utah, a non-profit organization has been approved by the Utah Board of Education for parents and adults working with youth as mandated in HB 286 to provide a Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Training Program to parents of elementary students.

PCAU HB 286 Utah Child Abuse Online Prevention Training Instructions

Click Link:

1. Select Register

2. Complete Registration

3. Parents/Caregivers select I am a Parent of a Student from the registration drop down box in order to access the parent course

3. Click Register Button

4. Click Launch Course

5. There will be a Certificate of Completion issued at the end of the course that the user can print or download as a PDF.

Mrs. Welch

Katelyn Welch

Katelyn Welch


Parents and/or guardians can contact Mrs. Welch at 801-737-8105 or by email. See link above.


SafeUT App Icon_Learn About Safe_UT

Click the icon to learn how to use the SafeUT app. Then download it for your iOS or Android device